
First 14 days in Colorado Springs

Ok, so now I am here. In the big land on the other side of the pond. In America, Colorado springs. The land of opportunities, the land of people that talks very loud, the land that has a very strange breakfast. I have been here 14 days and have exactly 119 days left.

So how do I feel? 

Good I guess... I have a great time, my room mate is nice, the area is nice. The way of studying here; wierd. Breakfast; what is is with americans and bagels?! They are not that good.... (I am trying my best to avoid the unavoidable but soon you can probably call me Fatsy...)

The way of studying and how you act in class is very different from Sweden. At CC we have one course at the time, for 3½ week. So no time for procrastination (baaah, that my favourite thing to do...). Morover, americans are very talkative! This can sit and discuss subjects open in class without really knowing anything about the subject. I must say I am very impressed even though I feel slightly uncomfortable being the only one sitting silent. But I will try to do my best. 

One other thing that freaks me out is that there is NO free time AT ALL. I even feel stressed now, writing this blog post because I have so much to do! Generally its 100 pages a day I have to read and present infront of the class tomorrow. Hello stress-symtoms! 

So this will be it for now! I'll come back and write more when I dont have a study-concious left....

By the way... Right now I need a huge cup of Tea. Because when there is tea, there is hope! 

Et moi! In Great Sand Dunes National Park

Goregous mountains everywhere!



Cheers for now! 


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