
Back in Business!

Hey guys! Sorry for my looong absence! But now there's new times, and I certainly shall try to be a better blogger.

I'm back in Jönköping for my second year at Uni, and i'm now studying for my two re-exams... Not very good of me, I know....

Rightnow I'm having a (not deserved) study break, drinking my new favorite tea and been speaking to a friend who just had her first re-exam, apperantely it was very difficult. But isn't usually like that; that the first re-exam is substantially harder than the original one? I bet that the lecturers just want to punish us for not studying enough... haha or not!

Anyways, tonight Im meeting up with my friends whom I havent seen since may! Gonna be so much fun, I definetly need a catchup with them! There have been soo much drama this summer:

  • One of my friends cheated on her fianceé, but before telling him what had happen, only that she wanted a break, he spat out that he had been cheating with my friend's sister! If that isn't that crazy I don't know what is!
  • My other friend have been together with a guy for a year who lives in the U.S (she lives in sweden) and they have been the cutest couple, the question is; how fantastic can a relationship be if you only meet through Skype and text messages? Anyways, they have seemed to have a great relationship, when he suddenly starts to ignore her complety! He stopped answering her calls, her messages, just like that! I mean is that even legal?! As you probably understand, they are not togheter anymore.

Well, it has been more drama than a normal person can stand, so it's good to be back to reality again!

Gosh, I wished I had some interesting things to share with you, sadly I don't, but I'll think of other interesting stories to post. 

Unitl then, Cheers!