
The Tiny Issue of Money... and Travelling

I don't have a dairy.

But sometimes, I wish that I was one of those fantastic persons who write about their life, in order to air their own thoughts. However, the thing with diaries are that when you write about matters that are disturbing, these problems tend get much more attention than they really deserve. Instead these annoying little detailes should just be pushed back into you unconcious until completely forgotten (alternatively, they could be killed with wine.. or tequila)

On the positive side (there is always a positive side) when writing promises, resolutions or just general goals in a diary, I mean when you actually articulate these in words, you actually tend to follow them! And it's actually scientifically proven!

So, in the absence of a real, physical, pretty paper diary, I'll just write one of my goals here instead... then I'll never be able to escape it haha... which might have inauspicious effects since this goal is about saving money... and everyone who knows me, know that I sometimes (read: usually) tend to loose control over my cash balance... ooops sorry, not sorry.

Anyway, cut the bullshit Emilia and get to the point!

So I hereby promise to the whole internet sphere that I will save all the money I have now, including ALL the salary I get from my summer job (obviously I have to live and eat.. but you get the deal) in order to be able to save money for a budget so I can travel. 

I dont really know how I got to this conclusion... I guess I am just tired of being stuck here during the summer, just because I have no money left to spend on travelling. I have two weeks of vacation in June, which I will spend rotting in my parents house just because I am broke. FML. 

I can of course also blame the wounderful founders of the blog worldtourstories.com it's the most amazing blog about a couple circumnavigating (aaah dont you just LOVE that word...) the world on their boat. Everytime I read it I just want to pack my bags and get the hell away from here.

Below are some beeeeautiful pictures from their blog!

This is Taru, who's writing about her and Alex's amazing adventure! And she is actually from the same hometown as me, Gothenburg! Always nice to feel some home town-pride! 
All pictures above from: www.worldtourstories.com

Thankfully, I have been on a couple of adventures too! And when I feel a little down (like today...) I just scroll through my pictures from when I was on Guadeloupe... The most amazing island in the world! Colorful, friendly and oh-so-fanastic....

And just like that I decided... Today I will be happy! Because today is a completely new day. 

2 kommentarer:

  1. Gorgeous pictures! I'd love to travel the world. Now if only it wasn't so expensive...! :)

  2. Mills I know! Jag väntar bara på att deras nya album ska komma ut!! Under tiden så stalkar jag dem på youtube efter nya framträdanden... Har låten Boy på repeat atm. Så bra!! Måste ses snart btw. börjar få lite snett-gravt Mills abstinens här borta i regnhålet. xox

    Btw om jag inte sagt det innan så diggar jag det här inlägget! Saknar dina uppdateringar!
